Summary: Tape formats between SUN and HP.
1. From
There is a differance in the format of the SUN and HP tar tape format.
to read a tar tape from a HP on the sun try the following;
dd if=/dev/rmt/0 conv=swab | tar tvf -
to write a HP format tar
tar cvf - . | dd of=/dev/rmt/0 conv=swab
2. From
It has been my experience that your fighting the
Big-Endian vs. Little-Endian battle.
You need to use the dd ...... -conv=swab
to resolve this "problem".
original post:
I am trying to transfer a patch I received from HP on
my Sun Sparc 20, to a tape drive at /dev/rmt/0m using
tar -cvf /dev/rmt/0m sh_file_name
it works find and I can see the the file is on the tape
with the tar -tvf command on the SUN Machine, However,
when I move the tape to the HP_UX machine I get a tape
read error. I am using the same device on the HP_UX 10.01
machine, /dev/rmt/0m.
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