SUMMARY: Solstice Adminsuite/Print Manager failing (SSPC?)

From: Marc S. Gibian (
Date: Fri Dec 13 1996 - 14:07:37 CST

I FOUND IT! On Friday the 13th, in the AFTERNOON!

The problem is caused by installing patch 103182-03. I backed that patch out
this afternoon and the Solstice Adminsuite print manager is working properly

Thank you to the very few who tried to help. I don't know if this is because so
few people are using this combination of software, or are just so happy with it
that they can't imagine what I'm doing wrong here.

Since I don't have a support contract, can someone who does please forward the
problem with patch 103182-03 to Sun?

Thanks everyone,

Marc S. Gibian
Telos Consulting Services phone: (617) 377-6350
PRISM/TFS email:

attached mail follows:

I tried sending the question below last Friday and have recieved no replies.
Since this problem is rather critical, let me ask a few supplimentary questions
as well as including the full original:

I urgently need to change my Solaris NIS+ based printer configuration. Normally,
this would be very simple through the Solstice Adminsuite print manager, but
that tool is failing, so... can anyone provide me with the command lines
necessary to:

1. remove a printer defined via FNS/NIS+?

2. add a printer to FNS/NIS+

3. setup a default printer via FNS/NIS+

I found the fncreate_printer command, but it is not clear what the appropriate
arguments should be, nor can I see how one uses it to remove a printer or setup
the default printer?

I am grateful for any assistance you may be able to provide. I adopted this
style of printer management based on its ease when used from the print manager.
Now that that tool is failing to operate, I am in nasty little corner.


I am running Solaris 2.5 on a SPARCstation 20 as my NIS+ root master. I have
been using SSPC for managing my network printers via NIS+, and use Solstice
Adminsuite's Print Manager to do the actual management.

Last night when I tried to run the print manager to make a change, probably the
first time I've run the Solstice Adminsuite print manager is over six months.
When it starts, it asks what name service it should use to load & manage the
printers. I keep the default of NIS+ and click OK. Instead of a populated list
of printers, I get the following error dialog:

Window Title: Printer Manager: Error
Text: The operation failed with this status:
   Method program unexpectedly terminated with signal 6
Unfortunately, yesterday I also applied our full set of patches to this system.
These included a few rev-ed patches and a few new ones. The full list is:


showrev -p gives me:
showrev -p
Patch: 103210-01 Obsoletes: Packages: SUNWxwplt.2
Patch: 103210-04 Obsoletes: Packages: SUNWxwplt.3
Patch: 102958-06 Obsoletes: Packages: SUNWxgldg.2 4.0,REV=3.0.27,PATCH=06,
SUNWxglrt.2 4.0,REV=3.0.27,PATCH=06
Patch: 102980-04 Obsoletes: Packages: SUNWcsu, SUNWcsr
Patch: 103187-09 Obsoletes: 103060-05, 103066-01, 103230-05, Requires:,
Incompatibles: Packages: SUNWcsu, SUNWarc, SUNWnisu
Patch: 103226-06 Obsoletes: Packages: SUNWcsr
Patch: 103093-06 Obsoletes: 103084-02, 103489-01 Packages: SUNWcsr, SUNWcar
Patch: 103210-09 Obsoletes: Packages: SUNWxwplt
Patch: 103186-19 Obsoletes: , Requires:, Incompatibles: Packages: SUNWmfrun
Patch: 103247-06 Obsoletes: 103142-03 Packages: SUNWadmap, SUNWadmc
Patch: 103182-03 Obsoletes: 103182-01, 103182-02 Packages: SUNWpcu, SUNWpsr,
SUNWpsu, SUNWpsf, SUNWscplp
Patch: 103266-01 Obsoletes: Packages: SUNWnisu
Patch: 103884-02 Obsoletes: Packages: SUNWdtdte
Patch: 103671-01 Obsoletes: Packages: SUNWdtdst
Patch: 103235-06 Obsoletes: Packages: SUNWsadmc, SUNWsadmo

I tried to find the method and run it by hand to see if I can figure out what
the fatal error IS... hunting around I found the directory:


I am guessing that when I click OK, the list_printers tool is being executed.
SO, I tried running list_printers by hand, and get the error:

libc internal error: _rmutex_unlock: rmutex not held.

This looks a lot like what the print manager signal 6 error. I tried some other
tools in the classes subdirectories, and it appears that "normal" behavior is
either no visible action or a Segmentation Fault when run manually from the
command line?

Searching SunSolve turned up a bug report looks awfully close, 4012539, but its
resolution is not available to me... upgrading to Solaris 2.5.1.

Can anyone help me fix things so Solstice Adminsuite's print manager will run to
manage using NIS+? If not, how about managing printing using NIS+ from the
command line (which I've never had to do)?


Marc S. Gibian
Telos Consulting Services phone: (617) 377-6350
PRISM/TFS email:

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