Hello Gurus..
Thanks to all the people who took the time to respond my question which was...
>hello sun-gurus..
>I have a problem....
>I have 2 machines, 2 Ultras.
>1 is with more than 500 students and another one is with 300 profesors.
>The profesor one has International access (free access) and the
>student one has only National access (they can FTP, WWW, email freely
>with any other .cl ).It is retricted via IP
>in an CISCO Router in our Inet Provider.
>How can I permit that the students can email Internationally, but still
>ftp, WWW only Nationally.
>I thought of this...but doesn't work:
>put profesors machine as the MX of the students and have an
>aliases for every student to point to the students SUn.
>mount the /var/mail of the student with the /var/mail of the profesors ??
>Any ideas..?
I find 2 major solutions..
1.- Define the professor's machine as the SMART_RELAY of the students machine.
This will cause the Students machine to forward any mail that is not
un-qualified (no @) and qualified but local to the professors machine.
2.- In the CISCO, only allow smtp conections for the student machine.
The one I will implement in my case will be (1) because i don't have
common access to the CISCO which belongs to my Inet Provider, meanwhile
the sendmail.cf file I DO own... :)
Thanks ppl..
These are the responses:
>From mickey@intr.net Mon Nov 18 21:20 CDT 1996
>Your answer lies above (in the restrictions on the CISCO router). You
>have to get your INET provider to "open up" the restrictions for email
>(port 25--smtp) to your "national-only" machine. Alternatively, you
>can have all email communicatinos originate from your international
>machine--set up sendmail so that all incoming mail is sent to the
>international machine, then routed to the students machine, and all
>outgoing mail is sent to the professors ((int'l) machine befoer being
>sent out.
>From afinkel@pfn.com Mon Nov 18 21:39 CDT 1996
>Why not just modify the rules on the CISCO so that the student machine has
>access to any IP address on port 25 only.
>access-list 102 permit tcp any any eq smtp
>access-list 102 permit tcp host student.ip any eq smtp
>And allow smtp from anywhere to the student machine.
>From pdg@wyrm.its.uow.edu.au Mon Nov 18 21:49 CDT 1996
>Just make your sendmail config on the student machine
>send all mail to the staff machine (this handles outgoing).
>Make MX for student machine point to staff machine. This handles incoming.
>From bern@penthesilea.uni-trier.de Mon Nov 18 21:50 CDT 1996
>1) Get&install sendmail 8.8.x.
>2) Set up the Student Machine by telling it that the Faculty Machine is
> the SMART_HOST. (That will make it send all outgoing Mail to that
> Machine.)
>3) Set up DNS so that the Student Machine will have MXes pointing to the
> Faculty Machine. (This will make incoming Mail go to that Machine
> *first*, which will recognize that the Mail's not intended for it
> and forward it to the Student Machine.)
>No fancy Aliases or Cross-Mounting required.
>From hwe@uebemc.siemens.de Tue Nov 19 06:45 CDT 1996
>This is a problem, of how you configure the Maildaemon, not the router.
>Just tell your local delivery agent to forward every mail he can't resolve, to
>send it to the Professors-machine. That one should be able to deliver at least.
>in the sendmail.cf file of your students-machine.
>I'm not a sendmail-profi, better ask there again!
-- Marcelo Maraboli R. |--| |-[]-| |--| C: uCapacitor | C I C | I: Electronic Jefe de Area de Redes (Network Administrator) | | Island Direccion Central de Servicios Computacionales |------()------| V: Voltage Federico Santa Maria University V + - Chile "Quantum Electronics" Phone: +56 32 665053 The Beginning of the New Electronic Age email:maraboli@dcsc.utfsm.cl "Quantum Electronics, That's COOL!" WWW : http://www.disca.utfsm.cl/~maraboli "Shut up, Beavis!" --------------------------------------------------------------------------/
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