SUMMARY: Number of seconds since 1970

From: Mark Fergusson (
Date: Tue Oct 08 1996 - 09:50:08 CDT

Thanks again to all for the great help.

Original question:
The date/time is generally calculated as the number of seconds since
> 1970.
> Is there a command/easy way that will give me the number of seconds
> instead of the date as we know it.

Three themes:
1. c script
2. perl -e
3. GNU date

Dave Willard
Ted Nolan
Michael van Dijk
Stanislav Protassov
Stephen Harris:

% cat secs.c
  #include <time.h>
    time_t t;
  % cc -o secs secs.c
  % secs

Joe Shamblin
Peter Marelas
perl -e 'print time;'

Mark Bergman
#! /usr/bin/perl
require ""; # For date calculations.
chop ($date);
print "$date is $seconds seconds since $epoch\n";

Gerald C. Combs
Try installing GNU date (part of the sh-utils package). It has many
more features than the standard Solaris version, including the ability
show seconds. You can find GNU software at .


Mark Fergusson Voice: (+27) - 31 - 838333
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