SUMMARY: ncurses and Solaris

From: Lisa Lopshire (
Date: Sat Sep 07 1996 - 00:39:41 CDT

Original question:

Where is ncurses in a new Solaris 2.2 build?

Answer: ncurses does not come with Solaris, curses does.

Regarding Solaris 2.2, overwhelming response was NOT to use
anything but the newest version.

Here are the responses:
2.2?!?! Get rid of it RIGHT NOW, I mean turn the machine OFF,
physically and pull the plug. Solaris 2.2 is HORRIBLE. Please
upgrade to 2.5 (if not 2.5.1) and apply as many patches as
you can get your grubby hands on (especially the TCP
patches).. responded:
First I hope you are not using Solaris2.2 you need to be upto
date with Solaris2.5 .. Solaris2.2 has lots and lots of bugs
you can literally spend years trying to figure out whats
wrong with your hardware. Do yourself a favor and goto to 2.5
and then get ncurses package. Solaris2.5 comes with curses
but its not as robust as ncurses.

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