SUMMARY: Problems with tcopy, dump, ...

From: Rubens Queiroz - SUPSOF #200503# (
Date: Thu Aug 15 1996 - 14:30:47 CDT

Hi all,

I would like to thank Kevin Davidson for his prompt reply to my request.
I am enclosing with this mail his reply, as it worked just fine.

I think this question should be somewhere in the Solaris FAQ.
IT is very basic, but all administrators who are used to SunOS
will stumble upon this kind of problem.

This is my original query:

> Hi all,
> I have a Sparc 20, running Solaris 2.5 and I have a few problems.
> The first one is with the tcopy program. It only reports one file
> on the tape.
> Again, I think this has something to do with the norewind option.
> I am using /dev/rmt/0hn as the norewind devide.
An here's Kevin's reply:

  Use the device /dev/rmt/0hbn instead. The system V tape driver leaves
 the tape head just *before* the end of file marker. Your next dump
 overwrites the end of file marker, effectively extending the first
 file instead of writing a new one. ufsrestore etc don't expect any
 more data after they've read the first set of data, so they fail to
 read any more.
  Using the BSD compatible device leaves the tape head *after* the EOF
 mark, so writing your next dump writes a new file.
  I don't understand why the system V device works the way it does. It
 doesn't seem to be useful for anything.
| Rubens Queiroz de Almeida | EMAIL: |
| UNICAMP | FONE: (019) 239 7155 |
| CENTRO DE COMPUTACAO | FAX: (019) 239 8450 |

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