Thanks very much to all of you, I sure appriciate your kind help:
Danny Johnson
Alan Hill
Robert Jennings
Charles Gagnon
Laurent Duperval
Niall O Broin
Henry Doan
Michael Price
Original Question:
Does anyone run into such problem? I installed Answerbook on a Sparc 20
> >From another workstation, I telnet to the server and run "answerbook", After
> the main screen popup, it report error about " cann't open the viewer, check
> the Adobe Postscript Display ". Could someone help me out?
Just like most people figure it out: I didn't run the orginal X server ( that
is Xsun) on my workstation. Answerbook won't run on any X server other than
Xsun. Once a time I copied another X server with xautotest extention to this
machine. That's it.
-- Feiyi
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