First, please let me apologize for the late summary.
Here is the original question:
> I need to setup a cachefs where the workstations utilize automounter
> maps. Example:
> In the auto.apps file on the NIS master I have:
> cde server1:/usr/dt
> openwin server1:/usr/openwin
> On the workstations I currently have it hardcoded in the vfstab like so:
> server1:/usr/openwin /cache/cache /usr/openwin cachefs 3 yes backfstype=nfs,ca
> server1:/usr/dt /cache/cache /usr/dt cachefs 3 yes backfstype=nfs,cachedir=/ca
> How can I set it up to use my auto.apps (/apps/cde & /apps/openwin)?
Thanks to:
bismark@alta.jpl.nasa.gov (Bismark Espinoza)
Trent MacDougall <trent@cs.dal.ca>
David Harel <hareldv@netvision.net.il>
Law Hon Man <hmlaw@cs.cuhk.hk>
Without their help, it would have taken a lot longer. Here is the end result:
Add entry for cachefs in /etc/auto.apps (auto.apps is a special map setup in
openwin -fstype=cachefs,nosuid,backfstype=nfs,cachedir=/cache/cache \
server1:/usr/openwin server2:/usr/openwin
dt -fstype=cachefs,nosuid,backfstype=nfs,cachedir=/cache/cache \
server1:/usr/dt server2:/export2/apps/dt
Create appropriate links.
# ln -s /apps/dt /usr/dt
# ln -s /apps/openwin /usr/openwin
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Richard Mills Systems Administrator / Rapid Systems Solutions Jacksonville, Florida 1(800)727-4360 x728 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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