Thanx to everybody!!
It's amazing how many people took the time to write a words (31 persons) ...
thanx to those 31 persons...!! (you know who)
Mi question:
On Thu, 8 Aug 1996, Felipe Rivera wrote:
> Hi there.
> I just have a question. I manage a Sparc IPX using SunOS 4.1.3
> I have an external SCSI HD with the following partitions defined:
> partition a - starting cyl 0, # blocks 408000 (300/0/0)
> partition b - starting cyl 0, # blocks 0 (0/0/0)
> partition c - starting cyl 0, # blocks 2672400 (1965/0/0)
> partition d - starting cyl 300, # blocks 204000 (150/0/0)
> partition e - starting cyl 450, # blocks 204000 (150/0/0)
> partition f - starting cyl 600, # blocks 204000 (150/0/0)
> partition g - starting cyl 750, # blocks 204000 (150/0/0)
> partition h - starting cyl 900, # blocks 1448400 (1065/0/0)
> and i want to remove partitions d,e and f so i can create a bigger
> one.
> My question is:
> is this dangerous?? dangerous for the other partitions (i
> don't want to touch the other partitions neither loose them)
To make this quickly, i'll only write what i did:
0. Enter single user mode
1. Backup everything
Just in case :)
2. unmount partition d (at that time, it was the only of the three mounted
and with information), and unmount all the partitions in use after f (g
and h)
3. run format -> partition
4. f -> starting cyl: 600 -> size: 0
5. e -> starting cyl: 450 -> size: 0
6. d -> starting cyl: 300 -> size: 450/0/0
7. label
8. mkfs /dev/rsd2d
New filsystem
9. tunefs -m 1 /dev/rsd2d
optimized for space
10. mount /dev/sd2d /<mount_point> and the partitions g and h
voila.. everything went fine...
I hope this info will be useful for other managers out there..
Best regards
| |
| Felipe Rivera Marquez |
| - Atencion a Clientes |
| - Miembro del Staff Tecnico |
| - Soporte Tecnico |
| |
| ASCI (Arquitectura en Sitemas Computacionales Integrales) |
| AKA InfoRED |
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| "La vida es un peque~o lapso de tiempo alargado por |
| nuestra conciencia" |
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