Summary: Summanry: Greek and Spainish characters

From: Feng Qiu (
Date: Sat Aug 03 1996 - 17:19:43 CDT

Thanks for More response!!


         Thu, 25 Jul 1996 15:46:02 -0400
   From: (Jack Goldsmith)

To get characters that you do not have on your keyboard, you use the
compose key followed by two characters. For example:

Compose followed by e ` will give you h.
Compose followed by e ` will give you i.
Compose followed by a e will give you f.

I guessed compose followed by p i will give you pi, but I was
wrong. I can't find where it is documented, but if you do not get
a response by Monday, let me know and I will get the answer for you.

Jacques Goldsmith
CAL FP (US), Inc. Phone: 212-506-6078
Suite 616 Fax: 212-262-4916
610 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10020

         Thu, 25 Jul 1996 20:06:24 +0100 (BST)
   From: (Stephen Harris)

> Hello, thanks for answers, I still wonder if there is a way to type
> greek charaters without Greek keyboard? When you have some files on PC
> have Spainish and Greek charaters in it, tranfer to SUN, Spainish still
> there, not Greek!

There are two different Greek character sets (i) ISO standard, (ii)
The ELOTE928 standard is a common one in Greece (I used to work for a
company) and even terminals are modified to have an Elot928 font mode.
However to display this correctly under X will probably require a
X font (I don't know if any exist). And to print it will probably
downloading an ELOT font to the printer as well :-( With a translation
you can "pretend" on a postscript printer by mapping characters to the
font equivalents. It's adequate.


Feng Qiu, Ph.D.
NMR Facility Manager
Department of Chemistry       Phone: (405)744-7999
Oklahoma State University     Fax:   (405)744-6007
Stillwater, OK 74078          E-mail:

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