Hello Sun-Managers,
I'd like to thank the following awesome people for the responds:
Roy Rapoport <rsr@ide.com>
Ray Trzaska <rtrzaska@uk.mdis.com>
Trevor Paquette <TrevorPaquette@aec.ca>
Vinh Tu <uq614725@hsc.hac.com>
Sean Ward <seanw@amgen.com>
David Schiffrin <daves@adnc.com>
1) I'm currently allocated a 4GB disk for /home filesystem. It is now 98%
full. What is the maximum filesystem size for Solaris 2.5.1? I can't
find this on man page or documentation. Is it possible to concatenate
two drives into one logical filesystem? If yes, what utility can I
2) I'm currently using CDE V1.0 that comes with Solaris 2.5.1. The
background can be changed via the front panel. It can be select from
the available list. How can I modify configuration and/or setting in
DCE to let me add more backgrounds and/or select a user specify ones.
1) The maximum filesystem size for Solaris > 2.4 is 2TB.
Soltice Disk Suite allows multiple disks to concatentated into one
logical filesystem.
2) Nobody knows. I used to use mwm and fvwm. What I did to set my
background on these windows managers was simple, using "XV".
I tried this on CDE. It works but the built-in background that
comes with CDE overlayed the one that I specified. Therefore, I
can't see what's underneath.
Thanks everybody for your speedy responds. You have been very very
* John V. Nguyen * Electronic Data Systems *
* Senior Systems Engineer * Internet & New Media *
* jnguyen@mmts.eds.com * http://www.eds.com *
* Pager: (214) 759-5435 * 5400 Legacy Drive *
* Phone: (214) 604-1685 * Plano, TX 75024 *
* Fax: (214) 604-7969 * Mail Stop: B4-2A-15 *
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