again I received several answers on my question about a non-booting
SPARCstation IPC, but again nobody could help me. I guess the machine will
only be able to serve as decorative accessory in someone's living room... 8-}.
I received several requests for the 'Tips sheet for the Sun Ethernet
Interface' which I mentioned in my last summary, but I don't want to waste
bandwidth by sending it to the list. Please mail to me, if you want it.
This time many thanks to
blymn@awadi.com.au (Brett Lymn)
Win Htin <winhtin@csfb.co.jp>
"Garrett, Thom" <tgarrett@dsrnet.com>
"John A. Murphy" <jam@philabs.research.philips.com>
Bob Davis <redavis@mailbox.syr.edu>
charest@sar3.CANR.Hydro.Qc.CA (Claude Charest)
"Jasti Babu" <jbabu@ford.com>
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