SUMMARY: Booting a system over a network!

From: Jalal Soltanian-Zadeh (
Date: Mon Jan 08 1996 - 09:31:19 CST

Although my problem is not solved yet, thanks to the people who responded to
me. The original question and answers are as follows:

Special thank to: Michael Tripoli(

The original question:

> I have an old sparc server(#1) in which the disc has crashed. I could not bring
> up the system because the SunOS was on the crashed disc. I have tried to boot
> the system over the network off another sparc station(#2) which is running
> SunOS 4.1.3_U1. I have made the system#1 as a client of the system#2. However
> when I try to boot the system#1 using the command:
> b ie() -a
> I get an error like this:
> tftp: timeout
> I can run tftp on the system#2 without any problem.
> I was wondering if someone can help me out.

The answers:

Have you rechecked your hexidecimal math in the /tftpboot directory? If
you have the hexidecimal file name wrong, you'll get this error

Make sure your ethers, exports and bootparams files on system#2 are set
up properly. If you are running NIS, make sure the ethers and bootparams
maps are also set up properly. Confirm that another system (system#3
can download files from system#2 with tftp.

Thank to all of you who responded to me:

Please let me know if you need any more information.


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