SUMMARY: (addendum) what is "fsflush"

From: Alan McKay (
Date: Thu Jan 04 1996 - 11:19:53 CST

This just came in the second I sent out that summary. It seems to
contain the last bit of info on how to tune "fsflush" which wasn't in
any of the other messages.

> It's the SYSV equivalent of "update". It's regularly "flushing" dirty
> pages out to disk.
> On a machine with lots of memory, you'll probably notice fsflush
> consuming a fair ammount of CPU. You can reduce this by changing how
> often fsflush should ckeck the "dirty" pages. On a machine with
> 640MB memory, I have this in my /etc/system file:
> set autoup = 90
> (You can probably bump it up even furter if necessary).
> Don't quote me on this, but I think this means that fsflush will check
> 5/90 = 5% of the memory every 5 seconds. You could also change the delay
> between fsflush checks, with something like this in /etc/system:
> set tune_t_fsflushr = 10
> (I don't think this is recommended, so stick with the default valeue).
> The default values are 5 for tune_t_fsflushr, and for 30 for autoup.
> This means it will check 5/30 = 16% of the memory, at 5 second
> intervals. So each "part" of the memory will be checked every 30th sec,
> i.e. 30 seconds is the maximum age of any "dirty" memory resident page.
> With autoup set to 90, each "part" will be checked every 90th sec. I've
> found that to work pretty good on my machine.

	"I used to be a short, fat, bald, 40 year old man,
	          but I'm all right now."
			-Some Guy

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