Hi, Sun Managers:
Thanks to:
Mike <albert@esther.rad.tju.edu>
Steve Ehrhardt <stevee@sbei.com>
Steve <steve@ma.hw.ac.uk>
Stephen Harris <sweh@mpn.com>
Mario Battu' <mario.battu@CSELT.STET.IT>
Saxony <Schlett@fz-rossendorf.de>
David Thompson <dave@sarah.lerc.nasa.gov>
Bernt Kaare Haugen <BERNT@stavanger.geoquest.slb.com>
Tom Hermitt <tph@www.icsnet.com>
Andy Feldt <Andy_Feldt@phyast.nhn.uoknor.edu> and
Dave Fetrow <fetrow@biostat.washington.edu>
If I loss list some people who give me suggestion, I am sorry.
1. Most of them subject me to check "showpage" command at the end of the file.
2. It is a 'bug' in NewsPrint software. -- upgrade it to the latest version
of NewsPrint (it should be 2.2, at least for SunOS).
--> The NewsPrint version of our system is 2.0.
3. Make sure that there isn't a ^D as the first character.
Some packages and editors will insert this character at first.
Yen-Wen Chen | internet : yen@n0sun4.ccl.itri.org.tw
ITRI/CCL | Tel : 886-35-917562
System Engineer | Fax : 886-35-820081
Address : N200, Bldg. 14, 195 Sec 4, Chung Hsing Rd., Chutung,
Hsinchu, Taiwan 310, R.O.C.
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