I mananged to answer my own post after much experimentation and
a call to SUN.
The orginal problem was that I could not get SUNs Sendmail to work
reliably on a SUN Sparc 20:
SunOS 5.4 Generic_101945-27 sun4m sparc
which is sitting by itself on one of our campuses networks- i.e. it
has no clients- it is the mailhost, mail server, relay host etc- the
rest of that network is all PeeCees.
The solution was to use sendmail.mx as /usr/lib/sendmail and
use main.cf as /etc/mail/sendmail.cf where main.cf has the following
(line 26) Dj$m { Comment out
(line 28) #Dj$w.$m { UnComment out
(line 78) Dm { Dm"DOMAIN.NAME"
(line 400)
# Replace following with above to only forward "known" top-level domains
R$*<@$*.$+>$* $#$M $@$R $:$1<@$2.$3>$4 user@any.domain
{comment out this line
# if you are on the DDN, then comment-out both of the the lines above
# and use the following instead:
#R$*<@$*.$+>$* $#ddn $@ $2.$3 $:$1<@$2.$3>$4 user@any.domain
{Uncomment out this line
Another part of my problem was that the IP for this node did not
have the correct DNS records. I could do forward lookups ( or
was it inverse?! ) but not inverse lookups ( or were they forward?! ).
Because of some problem with mail routing, my initial post did not
make it to the group until 2 days later, at which time I had already
worked through the problem.
Thanks to Steve Hodnett at SUN for the above rule changes!
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