Dear Sun Managers,
This was my original question:
I've installed Solaris 2.4 on a SPARCServer 370, I installed across
the network using the command b le() - install.
I installed Solaris onto a disk with SCSI target = 1. The older SunOS
setup is still on SCSI target = 0.
The installation seemed to be successful, however when I try to boot
with b sd(0,1,0) i get a "device not found" message.
I got a couple of answers: (Kevin Sheehan) wrote:
The math for targets is different on the old proms. Try sd(,4,) or sd(,8,)
to see if that gets target 1. On the old C proms, target/lun was encoded
in the same number - on some systems as target*4+lun, and target*8+lun
on others. (John Valdes) wrote:
Yes, try 'b sd(0,8,0); for sun4 systems (not sun4c, sun4m), the drive
number in the boot command is 8*scsi-id expressed in hex.
By the time, I received these suggestions, I had already changed the
scsi id of my disk from 1 to 0 and booted successfully. The machine
is now running Solaris 2.4 happily.
Best regards,
-- Gunnar Orvarsson Internet: Hafrannsoknastofnunin/Fiskistofa Telephone: +354 5697909 (Marine Research Inst./Directorate of Fisheries) Fax: +354 5697991 Ingolfsstraeti 1, Reykjavik, Iceland Home phone: +354 5813253
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