Summary: Help! remote printing using HPjetadmin

Date: Wed May 17 1995 - 23:17:40 CDT

My original message was
> Hi,
> I ftped HPJetadmin for Solaris and installed/Configured it on my
> Solaris2.4 machine. It prints fine locally to a printer connected to
> our ethernet using the jetadmin card.
> The problem is when I set up another SUN's remote printing to this node and
> print from there, the job gets to my machine's queue but does not print.

Someone asked me to try changing the printer TYPE to PS from unknown which
hp direct does. I did that and it still did not work on the solaris2.4 machine.

But I installed and configured hpjetadmin on a solaris2.3 machine and set the
printer type to PS and then I was able to print from both solaris2.4 and
solaris2.3 machines.

In summary, it does not work if HP jetadmin is configured on a solaris2.4
machine but works on a 2.3 machine fine.


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