SUMMURY: ufs dump problem

From: Sanjeev (
Date: Mon Feb 20 1995 - 01:41:03 CST

My Original request was:
> I have the following problem here.
> System Conf: SS10/64 MB RAM/FSBE sbus card/ 4x2GB HDD/EXA BYTE 8505
> Software : Solaris 2.3 / Oracle
> Problem : I am unable to use "ufsdump" of full disk under 2.3
> As a example if I take ,c0t0d0s2,
> I have tried with the following command.
> example# ufsdump 0fu /dev/rmt/1m /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s2
> it comes out after taking the backup of 1st partion
> i.e.c0t0d0s0.
> It does not go beyond the Ist partition.
> I want to know ,Is there any way by which I should be able to take the backup

Thanks for responses to:
Syed Zaeem Hosain
Richard Kurtz
Ken Rice
Jay Lessert

Many of them adviced me that ufsdump understands filesystems, not partitions.

But one solution came from Ken Rice.

Special thanks for the solution to:
Ken Rice

He has given me a script ,which will take care of of the above problem.The same I would like to share with you.

Note that this is a csh script.This runs under root's crontab.Use the nonrewind
device name so that tape doesn't rewind after each partition.

# "Great" backup program for Lewontin Lab Suns
# Written 29 Jan 1990 by Ken Rice
# Updates 8 Sept 1993 by Dan Weinreich: add 'u' flag; mod for new disk.
# Updates 12 Dec 1994 by Ken Rice for use on with
# 4mm DAT tape drive with 5GB compression enabled.
echo Backing up the system -- edit files at your peril. | wall
echo Backing up the entire system. > /tmp/backlog.$$
echo >> /tmp/backlog.$$
echo Verifying the drive. >> /tmp/backlog.$$
/bin/mt -f /dev/rmt/0 status >>& /tmp/backlog.$$
echo Rewinding the tape. >> /tmp/backlog.$$
/bin/mt -f /dev/rmt/0 rewind >>& /tmp/backlog.$$
echo >> /tmp/backlog.$$
# Back it up -- use nonrewind name (0n) to get four partitions on one tape
echo Starting backup of four partitions. >> /tmp/backlog.$$
echo >> /tmp/backlog.$$
echo /home >> /tmp/backlog.$$
/usr/sbin/ufsdump 0ubf 96 /dev/rmt/0n /home >>& /tmp/backlog.$$
echo >> /tmp/backlog.$$
echo / >> /tmp/backlog.$$
/usr/sbin/ufsdump 0ubf 96 /dev/rmt/0n / >>& /tmp/backlog.$$
echo >> /tmp/backlog.$$
echo /usr >> /tmp/backlog.$$
/usr/sbin/ufsdump 0ubf 96 /dev/rmt/0n /usr >>& /tmp/backlog.$$
echo >> /tmp/backlog.$$
echo /opt >> /tmp/backlog.$$
/usr/sbin/ufsdump 0ubf 96 /dev/rmt/0n /opt >>& /tmp/backlog.$$
echo >> /tmp/backlog.$$
echo Rewinding the tape. >> /tmp/backlog.$$
/bin/mt -f /dev/rmt/0 rewind >>& /tmp/backlog.$$
echo >> /tmp/backlog.$$
echo Backup done. >> /tmp/backlog.$$
/bin/mailx < /tmp/backlog.$$
rm /tmp/backlog.$$
echo Backup is done -- safe to resume operations. | wall

# Notes:
# 0 is dump level
# u causes /etc/dumpdates to be updated
# b is blocking factor
# f and /dev/rmt/0n selects the 4mm dat drive (0n is nonrewind device)


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