SUMMARY: Is it possible to find out who is using a TCP port?

From: Mauricio Fernandez (
Date: Fri Feb 17 1995 - 18:00:43 CST

Original posting:
> Hello, I am wondering whether is it possible to find out which
> process is using -accept(ing), connect(ing) or whatever- a TCP port.
> I mean, one can know which ports are in use by means of netstat.
> But what happens if I want to know who's that guy listening at
> port n?

Most of the people answered that 'lsof' (list of open files) is the solution.
You have to run it with the -n option in order to list only network

It is available via FTP in:

Thanks to:
jonathan <>
Jon Howell
Jean-Christophe Touvet <>
James M. Thompson
Chris Phillips (
Michael Sullivan <>
Matthew Keenan
Kevin Sheehan <>

I also received the following contribution due to Hal Stern
> from marcus ranum, a long time ago:
> You do a netstat -A to get the address of the socket PCB, then
> Use ofiles to map it back. IE:
> nsl 7 #netstat -A
> Active Internet connections
> PCB Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address (state)
> c5984400 tcp 0 0 nsl.smtp inet-gw-1.3414 ESTABLISHED
> c5967c00 tcp 0 187 nsl.login hussar.dco.d.1021 ESTABLISHED
> c586a700 tcp 0 0 nsl.3609 gatekeeper.d.6000 ESTABLISHED
> nsl 10 #ofiles -n c586a700
> file 8030c320 of socket c597de00 of INPCB c5979a00 of PCB c586a700
> ed 24559 sock 3 xbiff

|                          RIU                            |
|              Red de Interconexion Universitaria         |
|    Mauricio Fernandez       |e-mail:| 
| Universidad de Buenos Aires |                           | 
| Intendente Guiraldes s/n    |   Tel: (541) 787-2674     | 
| C.P 1428, Buenos Aires ARG  |   Fax  (541) 787-2670     |

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