SUMMARY: Solaris 2.3 NFS server hangs once a while

From: Anchi Zhang (
Date: Thu Dec 29 1994 - 01:41:12 CST

Happy New Year!

My original posting:

  My Solaris 2.3 Sparc 10 NFS server hangs for a minute also during
  heavy disk access such as file backup. "set scsi_options=0x178" in
  /etc/system does not help either. The six 2.1G Micropolis disks
  are on two Sun differential SCSI cards. Would anybody know a fix?

Many thanks go to (Mike Frizzell) (Dave Johnson)
  Peter Grina <> (Amy Hollander) (Richard Ravich)

Dave Johnson suggested patch 101378, which had been applied. He
also pointed out that components other than disks could cause
hang problems. Peter Grina was concerned that products like Online
Disksuite may lock up filesystems during backup; no such package
was in use on this machine. Mike Frizzell suggested to backup with
'nice.' Amy Hollander was aware of a patch for the system network
interface resetting itself for five minutes.

My special thanks to Richard Ravich of Micropolis Corp., who made a
request for detailed information for his investigation.

The problem seems to have disappeared after an upgrade to Solaris 2.4
with all the newest patches.


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