SUMMARY SO FAR:PPP from PC/Win3.x to Sun/Solaris2.x

From: Jim Hebert {*Prof Services} Sun Rochester (
Date: Fri May 20 1994 - 23:44:28 CDT

Here is the best ( and only ) working sollution offered:


This e-mail message is comming to you thought a PPP dialup link.

I'm a Sun user/admin/installer/trainer/.... how shall i say it
"I LOVE MY SUN" but as jobs go I spend a lot of time away from home base!
I'm currently in Bermuta and my home and my sun system are in Toronto
Canada so it was impotant for me to get a good link for my laptop that
will WORK always! I and my some of my co-workers use Netmanage's
"ChameleonNFS" it has full networking (PPP/SLIP/CSLIP, token-ring,
ethernet, fddi) as part of its package for Windows. It also has
things like e-mail, telnet, ftp, tftp, snmp, and here is the fun
part you can make you pc into an NFS and a FTP server and still
use it at the same time.

I have both an ethernet card and a 14.4 fax/data modem in my
laptop and use the ethernet on an addess like and
invoke a PPP dial up to my home system (IP address is different)
and talk to bothe at the same time (some neet stuff "A").

The number for Netmanage is 408-973-7171 my sales rep is Mary Naples
she is a great lady and will help you any way she can.

good luck with your hunt...


jim.hebert@East.Sun.COM SunService Consultant

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