I created a /etc/shells file on all affected machines which included
an entry for his new non-standard shell. Problem solved.
Thanks to the following people for giving me the solution. The original
problem mail message is included below.
Ric Anderson
Timothy Dry
Jim Craven
John Mizzi
Mike Raffety
Bill Morrow
Original Problem:
Interesting ftp problem here. I have a user who has been here
forever who is suddenly unable to ftp from some unix machines.
Here's the error:
hobbes 57: ftp twain
Connected to twain.
220 twain FTP server (SunOS 4.1) ready.
Name (twain:jim): jim
530 User jim access denied.
Login failed.
It barfs immediately on his username as though he were not
allowed to use ftp at all. He is able to login on the target
machine, but cannot ftp to/from it. I have checked his /etc/passwd
entry and even rebuilt it. We are running NIS so I looked on the
local /etc/passwd files to see if there was a local (non-NIS)
entry for him. There wasn't. I checked for the presence of a
/etc/ftpusers file which would stop him from using ftp. There
wasn't. I've been trying to find some difference between the
machines that will let him ftp and the machines which won't, but
haven't turned up anything yet. None of the machines in question
have had any changes made recently (that I know of).
This is very strange, because he has been successfully using
ftp for a long time. Just yesterday, rather suddenly, he can't,
but only for some machines, not all. Other people are able to
ftp to the same machines that he can't. Have any of you run across
this before? I'm running out of ideas.
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