Here is the summary,
I had posted the problem of using the Sun 4mm DAT drive in
2Gb mode under 4.1.3. Sun's drive is a 5Gb drive, I read that under Solaris you
can select the write density by specifying the appropriate device driver. In 4
.1.3 you have to modify the /sys/scsi/targets/st_conf.c file to make a kernel w
hich will support the drive. Todd LeRoy (who claims he is not a guru, but I thi
nk is close..) was the only one to answer and sent me the solution.
To support the 4mm Sun drive you have to include this in the st_conf.c file:
<<open curly bracket
"ArchiveST 4mm DAT/DAT-DC",14,"ARCHIVE Python", 0x30,512,
0,0,0,0), 0,0,0,0) ) <<open and close curly brackets
) <<close curly bracket
to use the drive in 2Gb mode you must leave out the ST_VARIABLE and build a new
kernel. Unfortunately this means you have to reboot to switch density. If anyo
ne has a better suggestion I will summarize again. In the meantime this solved
my time-critical problem. I checked that the drive writes in 2Gb mode by puttin
g the cartridges in our Procom 2Gb DAT drive.
Thanks to Todd
Martin Achilli
Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche * Tel: +392/26433648
Ist. di Neuroscienze e Bioimmagini * Fax: +392/26415202
c/o Medicina Nucleare * Email: ACHILLM at HSR.IT (Internet)
Ospedale San Raffaele * at IMIHSRA (Bitnet)
Via Olgettina 60 *
20132 MILANO (Italy) *
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