It turns out that the board is not a SCSI board but a Pertec controller board. Thanks to those of you that responded.
Original question:
> We have just received a used 4/370 from a different department which
> has a SCSI board in the back. Out of the board comes some cables which
> hook into a 9" track tape drive. Below the cables is a SCSI
> connection. The 9 track works fine but I have not be> en able to get
> the SCSI connection to work. I have know manuals for this machine or
> the board. Has anybody seen this type of board and can I run two
> devices for the board at the same time? When the machine boots up I
> get the following message about the> board (cac0: <Ciprico TapeMaster
> 3000). Thanks for your help.
Steve Ramsey
Henry Ford Hospital
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