Thanks to: (Gary Stephens) who said:
I am forwarding your request to Terry Reynolds, who has been very
helpful in locating mouse alternatives for the SPARCstation. He
can be reached at (415) 543-7111 (email for
sales information.
The product to check is a Kurta XGT tablet. We are using the 12"
square model with a three button cordless pen. It replaces the
mouse for our openwindows applications.
and (John P. Wittkoski) who said:
Here are several that are listed in the 1993 Sun Catalyst book which seem
like they might meet your needs, with a very brief line or two from the
description of the product:
CalComp DrawingPad Digitizer. CalComp - Digitizer Division
Scottsdale, AZ (602) 948-6540 or (800) 458-5888
Drawing pad which can act as a pen input or emulate a mouse. p. 783.
Kurta IS/ONE. Kurta Corp. Phoenix, AX (602) 276-5533 or (800) 445-8782
Drawing pad, concurrent mouse/pen opertions; switichable mouse and
ADI driver. p. 791.
Kurta IS/Penmouse. Kurta Corp.
Cordless mouse/pen for control, drawing, sketching. p. 791.
Summagraphics has several high end tablets. The descriptions don't mention
mouse emulation, but you may want to call them just in case.
Summagraphics Corporation, Seymour, CT (203) 881-5400 or (800) 729-7866
--- Bill Robertson CRC/DRL Box 11490 Station H, Ottawa, ON CANADA K2H 8S2 Voice:(613)998-2819 Fax:990-7987
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