SUMMARY: LX suddendly sloooow...

From: Maurizio Codogno (mau@beatles.CSELT.STET.IT)
Date: Wed Oct 27 1993 - 02:24:47 CDT

Thanks to

craig@Aus.Sun.COM (Craig Moore) (George D M Ross) (Pauline van Winsen) (Michael D. Reynolds) (Mike Raffety)

who explained me that the problem with my Sun LX with SunOs 4.1.3 very slow
is due to a known bug (LX's without Speakerboxes generate a lot of dbri
interrupts) and even send me the relevant patch (Patch-ID# 101247-01).

It seems that the huge number of tpc connections is just a side effect of NIS
and it's not to be worried about.

Thanks again! .mau.

(ps: Excuse me if the subject was already debated - I was cancelled from
the list due to network problems and it seems that the -requests address
doesn't like my name anymore :-( )

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