SUMMARY: statically linked route

From: Martin Fredriksson (
Date: Fri Aug 13 1993 - 01:42:43 CDT

Hello, and Thank You again, Managers!

I asked for a statically linked version of route, to put in /sbin.


(1) Several people mailed me the source (route.c) from a package
called "Xkernel". The most recent version I received (I beleive) was
from Xkernel-1.5 (From: Tim Rosmus <>). The
Xkernal package is available from
(probably from other places too, but this is where several people have
refered to). John Allen of the NERSC has an interesting point (observe
the ID strings...):

> From: (John Allen)
> To:
> Subject: Re: statically linked route
> I asked Sun the same question about a statically linked version
> of route for the same reason. I ended up using the route.c
> from the Xkernel package on /Xkernel/Xkernel.shar.
> It looks very similar to the Sun one and has worked for me on
> 4.1.1, 4.1.2 and 4.1.3.
> SunOS 4.1.2: "route.c 1.13 88/08/04 SMI"
> Xkernel: "route.c 1.12 88/03/02 SMI"
> A nameless person pointed this out to me. I assume the folks at
> Columbia have their legal ducks in a row to distribute this.
> John

(2) Some people referred to the BSD source, freely FTPable from
somewhere (I don't know from where?).

(3) Several people mentioned that I could move the libraries on whith
route depends to a local /usr/lib and then use the dynamically linked
version of route. (Special thanks to "Donald A. MacLeod"
<> for the 'suinstall' script which helps in
installing WS with my problem.) I have used this solution, but I like
to minimize the stuff on the local disk. I find it a "cleaner"
solution with a static rdist.

(4) One person (From: (John M. Blasik))
mentioned that he got if from Sun. (Thanks John, but I'll try the
Xkernel route first.) I guess this means that Sun does provide us with
this, at least under som circumstances?

My plan is that we go with the Xkernel route.c. I haven't had time to
test this yet; I summarize anyway since I'm off for a two weeks
mountain hike this saturday. When I get back, it's hopefully installed
and running!

Thanks all who have helped me with this!

Martin Fredriksson, System Manager Unix Systems
Ericsson Radar Electronics AB, Molndal, Sweden

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