In article 21073@jetsun.weitek.COM, robert@weitek.COM (Robert Plamondon) writes:
>In article <23qh9i$> writes:
>On a SPARCstation 2 upgraded with SPARC Power uP (4.1.1):
>/bin/time nroff -man /usr/man/man1/csh.1 > /dev/null
>real 4.6
>user 4.4
>sys 0.1
>I get a time for a SPARCstation 2 (4.1.1) of:
>real 8.1
>user 7.8
>sys 0.1
On a SPARCstation 2 running Solaris 2.2
/bin/time nroff -man /usr/man/man1/csh.1 > /dev/null
real 5.8
user 5.0
sys 0.1
Interestingly on a SPARCclassic running Solaris 2.2
/bin/time nroff -man /usr/man/man1/csh.1 > /dev/null
real 7.0
user 6.5
sys 0.2
So a classic would appear to be slower than an SS2 - at least on this benchmark.
It also appears that Solaris 2.2 is also faster than 4.1.x - now thats a turn up
for the books.
--- Robert Ruge INTERNET: robert@Deakin.Edu.Au School of Computing & Mathematics PHONE: +61 52 271319 Deakin University FAX: +61 52 272028 Geelong, Victoria, 3217
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