SUMMARY: Exabyte stacker drivers

From: Tim Morgan (morgan@john-parker.ICS.UCI.EDU)
Date: Wed Jun 16 1993 - 13:18:07 CDT

I posted a message about a week ago asking for info on public domain
driver software for the Exabyte EXB-10i or EXB-10e. All the responses
I received were "me, too!", so I wrote a driver myself, based on Sun's
Simple SCSI Target example driver. The first cut at the driver is now
available for those who want to test it.

The driver works under Solaris 2.2; I'd like it to run under SunOS 4.x
as well, if someone would like to tackle those changes and send them
to me.

The driver has only been tested with an EXB-10e. The 10e has a "10i" mode,
but that doesn't guarantee that it really does work with a 10i. I'd like
someone to let me know if it does, or what needs to be changed if it

You can obtain the driver by anonymous ftp to host
In binary mode, take the file sun/exb.tar.Z and follow the instructions
in the enclosed README file. Please send me any suggestions/bug fixes/

Tim Morgan
UC Irvine ICS Dept.

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