Summary: Mouseless Operation ..

Date: Tue Jun 15 1993 - 15:25:12 CDT

This is a followup of my earlier posting Sub:"Mouseless operation"
Thanks to Richard M. "Tank" Goldstein of SunSoft who was the only
one to respond.
I found the information I wanted when I did a "man olwm".
It gives all the keybindings and details of mousless operation.
For convenience I extracted the relevant information which is
reproduced verbatim below.
Hope this benefits those of you out there who may be as much
a "mouse-hater" as I am.

Murali Raj -

 Olwm implements OPEN LOOK Mouseless operation. This is a
 set of functions bound to keys that enable one to use the
 window system entirely without a pointing device. Some
 Mouseless functions are also useful for "cross-over" users,
 who may want to use them as accelerators for mouse-based

 One can navigate from window to window using the Next Appli-
 cation, Previous Application, Next Window, and Previous Win-
 dow functions, bound by default to Alt-n, Alt-Shift-n, Alt-
 w, and Alt-Shift-w, respectively. (See the section on Key
 Binding for more detailed information.) You can bring up
 both the window and the workspace menu using Alt-m and Alt-
 Shift-m, respectively. Once a menu is up, you can navigate
 through it by using the arrow keys or by pressing the first
 letter of the menu item you want to go to. You can execute
 the current item by pressing Return, or you can cancel the
 menu using Stop or Escape.

 You can also move and resize windows use Mouseless func-
 tions. This can be accomplished by selecting the Move or
 Resize items on the window menu. (Keyboard acclerators for
 these items are Alt-F6 and Alt-F7, respectively.) In Move
 mode, you can use the arrow keys to move the window in the
 desired direction. You can also hold down the Control key
 to "jump" the window by a larger distance each time you
 press an arrow key. In Resize mode, the first arrow key
 selects the edge you are moving, and subsequent arrow keys
 move that edge. For example, to shrink a window from the
 right (that is, to move it right edge to the left) you would
 first enter resize mode using Alt-F7, press the right arrow
 key to select the right edge, and then press the left arrow
 key to move the edge to the left. As in move mode, you can
 hold down Control to "jump" the edge by a greater increment.
 You can press Return to accept the new size or location, and
 you can press Escape or Stop to abort the move or resize

 Key bindings are specified using resources. There is one
 resource per function, and the value of the resources are
 the keys to which the function is bound. The resource value
 consists of a comma-separated list of key specifications.
 Each key specification consists of a keysym optionally fol-
 lowed by modifier keysyms; the modifier keysyms are
 separated by `+' signs. For example, to bind a function to
 F2, control-F3, and alt-shift-F4, one would use the value:


 Any keysym whose key is in the modifier mapping may be used
 as a modifier. The following can also be used as aliases
 for common modifier keysyms: Shift, Lock, Control, Ctrl,
 Ctl, Meta, Alt, Super, and Hyper.

 Resource names are prefixed with the trailing pathname com-
 ponent of argv[0], followed by KeyboardCommand (note that
 this is singular, not to be confused with the KeyboardCom-
 mands resource), followed by a resource from the following
 list. For example, the resource specification for setting
 the Stop function would typically be:


 Each item in this list is followed by its default keyboard
 binding and a description of what the function does. Items
 marked with an asterisk `*' involve keyboard grabs. Other
 items are active only while olwm is in a mode, such as when
 a menu is up. Note: most of the functions that require
 grabs are active only when the KeyboardCommands resource is
 set to Full. See the description of this resource in the
 section on Global Resources.

 Stop (L1, Escape)
 Abort the current mode or action.

 DefaultAction (Return, Meta-Return, Enter)
 Execute the default action for the current menu or

 Select (space)
 Select the current button.

 Adjust (Alt-Insert)
 Toggle the selected state of the current object.

 Menu (Alt-space)
 Bring up a menu on the current object.

 InputFocusHelp (?, Control-?)
 Bring up Help on the object with the input focus.

 Up (up-arrow)
 Move up one item.

 Down (down-arrow)
 Move down one item.

 Left (left-arrow)
 Move left one item.

 Right (right-arrow)
 Move right one item.

 JumpUp (Control up-arrow)
 Move up ten items.

 JumpDown (Control down-arrow)
 Move down ten items.

 JumpLeft (Control left-arrow)
 Move left ten items.

 JumpRight (Control right-arrow)
 Move right ten items.

 RowStart (Home, R7)
 Move to the start of the current row.

 RowEnd (End, R13)
 Move to the end of the current row.

 DataStart (Control-Home)
 Move to the start of the data.

 DataEnd (Control-End)
 Move to the end of the data.

 FirstControl (Control-[)
 Move to the first item.

 LastControl (Control-])
 Move to the last item.

 NextElement (Tab, Control-Tab)
 Move to the next item.

 PreviousElement (Shift-Tab, Control-Shift-Tab)
 Move to the previous item.

 Open (Alt-L7) *
 Open the object with the input focus.

 Help (Help) *
 Bring up Spot Help on the object under the pointer.

 LockColormap (Control-L2) *
 Install the colormap of the subwindow under the
 pointer, and give the colormap focus to the top-level
 window containing the pointer. See Colormap Installa-
 tion for further details.

 UnlockColormap (Control-L4) *
 Revert to color-follows-mouse mode, and unset colormap
 focus. See Colormap Installation for further details.

 Front (Alt-L5) *
 Bring the object with the input focus to the front.

 FocusToPointer (Alt-Shift-j) *
 Set the focus to the window under the pointer.

 NextApp (Alt-n) *
 Move the focus to the next base window. Windows are
 ordered clockwise starting at the top. Icons come
 after all windows, also in a clockwise fashion. Order
 proceeds from the last icon on a screen to the first
 window of the next screen. After the last screen, the
 order wraps back around to the first screen.

 PreviousApp (Alt-Shift-n) *
 Move the focus to the previous base window. See Nex-
 tApp for details about the window traversal order.

 ToggleInput (Alt-t) *
 Move the input focus to the previous window that had
 the input focus.

 NextWindow (Alt-w) *
 Move to the next window in the family of windows con-
 sisting of a base window and a set of popups. Windows
 are ordered clockwise, starting at the top of the

 PreviousWindow (Alt-Shift-w) *
 Move to the previous window in the family of windows
 consisting of a base window and a set of popups. Win-
 dows are ordered clockwise, starting at the top of the

 TogglePin (Meta-Insert) *
 Toggle the state of the pin of the window with the
 input focus.

 SuspendMouseless (Alt-z) *
 Temporarily suspend all key grabs associated with
 Mouseless operation.

 ResumeMouseless (Alt-Shift-z) *
 Resume grabs after temporary suspension.

 QuoteNextKey (Alt-q) *
 Pass the next key sequence to the application with the
 focus, ignoring any grabs.

 Refresh (Alt-F8) *
 Repaint the window with the focus.

 Back (Alt-F5) *
 Move the focus window behind other windows.

 OpenClose (Alt-F2) *
 Toggle the open/clos state of the window with the

 FullRestore (Alt-F3) *
 Toggle the full-sized/normal-sized state of the window
 with the focus.

 Quit (Alt-F9) *
 Quit the window with the focus.

 Owner (Alt-F10) *
 Flash the owner of the popup window with the focus.

 WorkspaceMenu (Alt-Shift-m) *
 Bring up the workspace menu.

 WindowMenu (Alt-m) *
 Bring up the window menu on the window with the focus.

 Move (Alt-F6) *
 Move the window with the focus.

 Resize (Alt-F7) *
 Resize the window with the focus.

 OpenClosePointer (L7) *
 Toggle the open/close state of the window or icon under
 the pointer.

 RaiseLower (L5) *
 Raise the window under the pointer if obscured by other
 windows. Otherwise, lower the window if it obscures
 other windows.


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