The licensing for Solaris 2.2 has changed regarding the definition
of User. And a new definition of client has been added. I have
confirmed this with my local sales rep. Whom, is very upset about
the definition change.
A desktop system is shipped with a 2 user license by default. A server
system is shipped with a unlimited license. Sun has dropped the
4 and 20 user license so the only choice is 2 user or unlimited.
Now the definition of a user is.
1. A login from console or directly connected tty.
2. An X terminal session.
3. A remote login session.
The key difference here is the the remote login session uses a
user slot even if it is from another system running solaris. In contrast
to previous releases that exempted a remote login from another solaris
A new definition of client is now given. If you system meets the definition
of having at least one client then it must have the unlimited license
which is the same as server license.
A system has a client or is a server if :
1. another system mounts disk space via NFS or other file sharing
2. provides boot binaries
3. provides compute or database services (even by sql calls).
4. provides NIS, domain name, kerebos, whois or other network
naming, security or information services. Not certain if
a gopher, wais or WWW server would qualify for a server
Effects: for myself and least most of the respondents this is going to
require us to buy server licenses for most of our systems just to
maintain our existing method of operation. AT a non-discounted price
of $1200.00 per system this will be very expensive. Especially considering
that I have been paying os maintenece costs all along.
My local salesman is very upset about this and some respondents reported
the same. So far SunSoft is holding to the new definition with no signs
of changing.
If this is a problem for you then please contact you local sales rep
via a letter or email so they can forward it to corporate. Make sure
you include the costs of this change in the letter.
For the future you really should add an additional cost of $1200.00 to
all systems and purchase a server license up front. This will make the
solaris systems non-price competitive. Might be the only way to
convice SunSoft to alter the licensing policy.
IMHO if SunSoft would just return to the old definition of user and
drop the client definition then life would get easy again.
for detailed information get the SunFlash 53.27 from one of the
following archives:
Archives are on,,, and
Malcolm C. Strickland Martin Marietta Missile Systems mail point 170
Phone: 407-356-7437 pobox 555837
Fax: 407-356-5482 orlando florida 32855-5837
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