Original query:
orig: I'd like to specify the fontsize for an xterm window using the command
orig: line option -xrm. So far, I've been unsuccessful in getting the
orig: syntax correct for the specification, and have been unsuccessful in
orig: finding answers in the Sun manuals. The invocation I've tried is:
orig: rsh -n rem_host /usr/openwin/bin/xterm \
orig: -display 'loc_host:0' \
orig: -xrm "XTerm*VT100.Translations : set-vt-font(3)" \
orig: -e my_cmd &
The translations are being used incorrectly, here, "because these
specify what to do when a given X event occurs, and you don't have an
event here." (From: lee@sq.com (Liam Quin))
Two examples of what to do are:
xterm -xrm "*font: lucidasanstypewriter-18" -display $DISPLAY -e xxxx
(From: lee@sq.com (Liam Quin))
XTerm*Font: -Misc-Fixed-Medium-R-Normal-*-14-*-75-75-C-70-ISO8859-1
(From: holmberg@frame.com (Gregory Holmberg))
Thanks very much for the replies.
S. Cowles voice: +1 415 812 1917
internet: uucp:
scowles@llnl.gov {backbone}!lll-winken!humpty!scowles
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