Recently I asked some questions about setting up CAP on a Sun:
] Date: Wed, 10 Feb 93 09:49:38 EST
] From: (Todd Pfaff)
] Subject: Suns, Apples and CAP
] I'm would like to use a Sun as a print and file server for an
] Apple Quadra, and vice versa if possible. I think CAP is the way
] to go but I'm not very knowledgeable when it comes to AppleTalk,
] EtherTalk, LocalTalk and all that.
] I've installed the UAB version of CAP on a Sun, but I'm not sure
] what to put in the config files etalk.local and/or atalk.local
] or what programs to run.
] I'm also not sure if I have to do any special setup on the Apple.
] It's connected to the Ethernet and is running MacTCP. I assume
] I have to go to the network control panel and choose EtherTalk
] as the network. Is this correct? Anything else?
] Could anyone who is using CAP please give me some advice?
Thanks for all the useful replies. After digesting the information
I did the following:
1) Install the native Ethertalk version of CAP.
2) Set the Quadra to use Ethertalk. I think it is setup to use
Ethertalk Phase II. Is this correct?
3) Start CAP servers. There is a script to do this
(.../cap60/etc/start-cap-servers) but I did it manually:
setenv CAP /usr/local/cap/bin
$CAP/aarpd le0 my-zone
$CAP/snitch -S -f "SUN 4 SunOS 4.1 UNIX" -l lwsrv
$CAP/lwsrv -f /usr/local/cap/cap60/applications/lwsrv/LWPlusFonts \
-T quote8bit -T crtolf -S -n "lp" -p lp
4) Run atlook and atlooklws and see what happens...nothing :-(
I checked if all the above processes were still running and
discovered that lwsrv was no longer there. Why did it exit?
I ran lwsrv with all debugging flags set and here is the resulting
$CAP/lwsrv -f /usr/local/cap/cap60/applications/lwsrv/LWPlusFonts \
-T quote8bit -T crtolf -S -n "lp" -p lp -d danpskil
lwsrv: simple: quoting 8 bit characters
lwsrv: simple: translate carrage return to line feed
debugging DDP
debugging ATP
debugging NBP
debugging PAP
debugging ASP
debugging SKD
debugging INI
debugging LAP
ddp: open socket: opened socket 131
lwsrv: Spooler starting for lp.LaserWriter.*
lwsrv: simple: Font list from file /usr/local/cap/cap60/applications/lwsrv/LWPlusFonts
lwsrv: (re)Scanning for Procsets
ddp: open socket: opened socket 132
NBP SndNBP: sending
abSelect enter... 0 doTimeout...NBP nbp_timeout: 4 tick timeout on -134220428, 3 remain
NBP SndNBP: sending
timeout occurred exit to abSleep
abSelect enter... 0 doTimeout...exit to abSleep
abSelect enter... 0 doTimeout...NBP nbp_timeout: 4 tick timeout on -134220428, 2 remain
NBP SndNBP: sending
timeout occurred exit to abSleep
abSelect enter... 0 doTimeout...exit to abSleep
abSelect enter... 0 doTimeout...NBP nbp_timeout: 4 tick timeout on -134220428, 1 remain
NBP SndNBP: sending
timeout occurred exit to abSleep
abSelect enter... 0 doTimeout...exit to abSleep
abSelect enter... 0 doTimeout...NBP nbp_timeout: 4 tick timeout on -134220428, 0 remain
timeout occurred exit to abSleep
NBP SndNBP: sending
abSelect enter... 0 doTimeout...exit to abSleep
abSelect enter... 0 doTimeout...NBP nbp_timeout: 4 tick timeout on -134220428, 3 remain
NBP SndNBP: sending
timeout occurred exit to abSleep
abSelect enter... 0 doTimeout...exit to abSleep
abSelect enter... 0 doTimeout...NBP nbp_timeout: 4 tick timeout on -134220428, 2 remain
NBP SndNBP: sending
timeout occurred exit to abSleep
abSelect enter... 0 doTimeout...NBP nbp_timeout: 4 tick timeout on -134220428, 1 remain
NBP SndNBP: sending
timeout occurred exit to abSleep
abSelect enter... 0 doTimeout...exit to abSleep
abSelect enter... 0 doTimeout...NBP nbp_timeout: 4 tick timeout on -134220428, 0 remain
timeout occurred exit to abSleep
lwsrv: SLInit failed: -1025
Can anybody tell me why it's failing?
Here are the responses I received to my original posting.
From: (Debby Shaffer)
I recently set up CAP on my Sun system. I have CAP configured to use
Ethertalk Phase II. I pulled the etalk.local file from cap60/etc
directory and used that as a guide, basically I filled in the specifics
for my sun. And to start cap I used cap60/etc/start-cap-servers as a
guide. The only thing I changed in the start up file was the location
of the cap directory, the location of the cap libraries, and the sun's
interface (i.e le0) and apple zone name.
Once you have installed cap, you have to set up /etc/printcap to use the
lf filter option. lf should be = to papif, the CAP input filter. Also
you have to set up /etc/cap.printers which should have an entry for each
appletalk printer. (use the chooser to see what printers are available and
what their name is on the appletalk side) Then the entry should look like
this -- name:printer type
On the appletalk side, which I knew nothing about until I had to, I
have an appletalk to ethernet gateway called a FastPath, I think they
run about $2000 but I'm not sure. Anyway, I configured the gateway
ethernet side to match my sun config, and I configured the appletalk side with
the zone name, net number and node number.
Then I ran /etc/start-cap on the sun. If it doesn't come up you get and
error why. Look at the file cap60/doc/, there are some trouble
shooting hint at the end of that file.
From: (Bill Robertson)
Start with file serving by adding the following to /etc/rc.local:
# Start CAP servers
if [ -f /usr/local/lib/cap/start-cap-servers ]; then
/usr/local/lib/cap/start-cap-servers; echo "start-cap-servers"
where /usr/local/lib/cap/start-cap-servers contains:
### sample start servers file (copy to /usr/local/lib)
### start from '/etc/rc.local'
LWARGS="-a ${LIB}/procsets -f ${LIB}/LW+Fonts"
# Start UAB first if used
# /usr/local/cap/uab
# sleep 10
# Otherwise start aarpd first for Native EtherTalk
# /usr/local/cap/aarpd "interface" "zone"
/usr/local/cap/aarpd "le0" "insert-zone-name-here" <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<CHANGE
# allow atis to startup before other CAP programs
# Make this 15 seconds if using aarpd
sleep 15
${CAP}/snitch -S -f "SUN 4 SunOS 4.0 UNIX" -l lwsrv
${CAP}/aufs -U 20 -V ${LIB}/afpvols -l ${LOGf} -n `hostname`
${CAP}/lwsrv -n "Technical Services Spool" -p lw.tsa ${LWARGS}
You should also be able to see your laswerwriters with the command:
/usr/local/cap/atlooklws "insert-zone-name-here"
P.S. to my last post, you want to be reading the newsgroup
From: Kelly G. Price <>
I've got cap patch level 126 set up here on a Sparc1+ to allow a Mac
running System 7 to print to the sun's laserwriter ntx. There may be some
problem printing to a non-apple laser printer from cap. Basically, the mac
sends a couple of postscript header files that choke some non-apple printers
and need to be filtered off.
Anyway, if you're running ethertalk and uab, on the mac all you have to do is
choose ethertalk from the control panel. Nothing else has to be done on the mac.
On the unix side, the uab process needs the atalk.local file to set itself up.
It then writes the etalk.local file. The info in the atalk.local file is pretty
arbitrary, except that the node number must be the last number in the sun's
ip address.
Lwsrv is the daemon that handles sending mac print requests to the unix lpd.
Aufs handles file serving, but I haven't looked into that.
Enclosed are our atalk.local and start-cap-servers files; maybe these will be of
some help. We installed cap this summer and it was a major pain to get it
going, but it has worked reliably since.
Email me if I can be of any help. Also, there's a good bit of discussion on cap
in the newsgroup comp.protocols.appletalk.
# This is a sample atalk.local file. Comment lines start with #.
# mynet, mynode, myzone refer to network values for the CAP host.
# bridgenet, bridgenode, bridgeIP refer to the hardware gateway.
# NB: bridgenode has to be the lower 8 bits of the IP address.
# nisnet, nisnode point to the host running atis. Normally these
# are the same as mynet and mynode. This line is semi optional.
# asyncnet and asynczone apply to Asynchronous AppleTalk on the
# CAP host. This line is also optional but, if included, *must* be
# the fourth active line (ie: nisnet and nisnode must be present).
# Zone names containing spaces must be quoted with " or ' quotes.
# Zone names containing " or ' can use \" or \' as escapes.
# mynet mynode myzone
103 22 cse
# bridgenet bridgenode bridgeIP
103 22
# nisnet nisnode
103 22
# asyncnet asynczone
#170.170 "unimelb Async"
### sample start servers file (copy to /usr/local/lib)
### start from '/etc/rc.local'
LWARGS="-a /tmp -f /vol/cap6.0/applications/lwsrv/LWPlusFonts"
# Start UAB first if used
sleep 10
# Otherwise start aarpd first for Native EtherTalk
# /usr/local/cap/aarpd "interface" "zone"
# allow atis to startup before other CAP programs
# Make this 15 seconds if using aarpd
sleep 5
${CAP}/snitch -S -f "SUN 4 SunOS 4.0 UNIX" -l lwsrv
#${CAP}/aufs -U 20 -V ${LIB}/afpvols -l ${LOGf} -n `hostname`
${CAP}/lwsrv -N -n tin -p tin ${LWARGS} -T quote8bit
From: Christopher Davis <>
I would recommend using Native EtherTalk instead of UAB; that's what we use
here. I think UAB needs to have a FastPath or GatorBox handy.
If you're using Native EtherTalk, that'll work fine (that's what we do).
From: Rodney Campbell <>
You should install the Native Ethertalk version of CAP.
Don't need atalk.local and etalk.local is built when you run CAP so you
don't edit this file.
My startup for CAP is like this:
# Start up Columbia Appletalk Package Servers & Daemons
if [ -f $STARTCAP ]; then
$STARTCAP & (echo -n ' CAPservers')>/dev/console
### sample start servers file (copy to /usr/local/lib)
### start from '/etc/rc.local'
# Start Cap Servers for CSSC Lane Cove
LWARGS="-N -T "quote8bit" -T "crtolf" -f ${LWSRV}/LWPlusFonts -S -r"
#LWARGS="-N -T "quote8bit" -T "crtolf" -a ${LIB}/lwsrv/adicts -f ${LIB}/lwsrv/LWPlusFonts -S -r"
# Start UAB first if used
# /usr/local/cap/uab
# sleep 10
# Otherwise start aarpd first for Native EtherTalk
# /usr/local/cap/aarpd "interface" "zone"
/usr/local/cap/bin/aarpd le0 CSSC-LaneCove
# allow atis to startup before other CAP programs
# Make this 15 seconds if using aarpd
sleep 15
${CAP}/snitch -S -f "SUN 4 SunOS 4.1 UNIX" -l lwsrv
${CAP}/aufs -U 20 -V ${ETC}/afpvols -l ${LOGf} -n ${FSNAME}
${CAP}/lwsrv ${LWARGS} -n CSSC-Fax -p fax -l /var/spool/CSSC-Fax.log
${CAP}/lwsrv ${LWARGS} -n "LC SouthWest" -p pslcsw
The aufs process exports UNIX filesystems as AppleShare Volumes to the
The lwsrv processes export UNIX print spools as LaserWriters to the Macs.
The cap.printers file specifies the name matching from UNIX print spools
to LaserWriters on the Mac network so that UNIX boxes can print to Mac
printers. You will need special /etc/printcap entries to do this and the
use of the papif and papof programs.
MacTCP is not required for CAP but is usefull for other things like
Eudora, Telnet, MacGopher, MacX etc.
You are correct in choosing EtherTalk from the Chooser.
No other special setup on Macs is required.
From: Phill St-Louis <>
The etalk.local file is created automatically. Read the man pages that
come with CAP for info about file sharing from the Sun disks to each of
your macintoshed (in particular read both of the AUFS man pages, one of
which is in section 8, the other I believe is in section 3).
These should get you started. After reading these, feel free to ask me
more questions.
On your mac, if you are using ETHERNET, your Sun should be set up for ethertalk,
but if your macs are running Localtalk, then set up CAP for LOCALTALK. My
impression is that one Sun cannot do both at the same time. I have one Sun
that support a Localtalk network (via a GatorBox) and another Sun that
supports an Ethertalk network.
From: (Mark C. Henderson)
First: beware a lot of early Quadra 700s have defective ethernet
Second: try the native appletalk (or ethertalk) I forget exactly what
it is called (uses /dev/nit). Get file sharing working first (apple
mounting unix file systems). Once your at this point, printer sharing
is easy with lwsrv.
From: "Peter D. Bille" <>
We have no experience running this product but we do use a product
called IPT that allows us to share files and network devices such as
printers between our SUN systems and Macs via ethernet. The IPT
product is simular to CAP.
Contact me if you have any further questions or require further
> Is it free?
No, cost depends on how many Suns and macs you are trying to connect.
If you are interested I can send you info on the product. We are
not only a user but also a reseller of this product.
If You have connected Your Mac directly to the Ethernet via
MacTCP, You don't need UAB on the SUN.
On the SUN, compile CAP with the option NIT. For setup of a
file-server, first start aarpd, then atis, then snitch and then aufs.
$CAP/aarpd "le0" "Your_Network_Name"
sleep 15
$CAP/snitch -S -f "sun4c SunOS4.1.2 Unix"
$CAP/aufs -U 10 -V ...
but there is an example start-up file somewhere in the CAP-distribution.
You then should see on the Apple Chooser klicking on the Apple Server Icon
the Sun aufs-Server like you see other macs (in System 7).
For setting up the Sun as a print server, I have no expirience, cause
I use papif to print on a LaserWriter connected on a AppleTalk net,
running the AppleTalk Router on one Mac.
EtherTalk is the language from Apple speaking over Ethernet.
AppleTalk and LocalTalk is pretty much the same and is the
built-in network for the macs. (PhoneNet also is an AppleTalk
net but uses different cables than LocalTalk)
From: (Matt Goheen)
I don't think you need UAB -- that's for bridging two EtherTalk nets.
It doesn't appears that that's what you are doing?
You need to run AUFS and lwserv. We only run the former and use
papif to print to our LocalTalk connected printers (we have a
FastPath 4 that acts as the EtherTalk<->LocalTalk bridge).
I don't think CAP provides any way for Unix machines to access Mac
You don't need MacTCP on the Quarda unless you want to do more than
just what CAP provides. Other than that, the Mac is pretty much set
right out of the box. Installing CAP is another story. I have been
told that one should use the enet driver (rather than nit) on the Sun
because it provides better performance (which we have done -- but we
used nit before and it worked fine).
From: wallen@cogsci.UCSD.EDU (Mark R. Wallen)
I've not used UAB, but am running CAP6.0-pl100 on a
sun4/280 with the 4/280 speaking Appletalk. One thing
to be aware of is that there are 2 "phases" of appletalk
on ethernet, and they are incompatible :-(. The older
Phase I is what (I believe) UAB uses. The mac can be
speaking either Phase I or Phase II depending on which
Ethertalk driver you've installed. You can tell by
doing a get info on the driver in the system folder
and also by the icon in the network control panel;
Phase I will have I arrow while Phase II has 2.
From: Bill D <100016.2320@CompuServe.COM>
I don't know anything about CAP but we have been using a Cayman GatorBox CS
with GatorPrint software for over two years and it has worked flawlessly. It
enables printjobs from Suns to be spooled and printed on networked AppleTalk
printers which can be on either EtherTalk or LocalTalk. The GatorBox also
prives LocalTalk to EtherTalk routing for the Macs and, with the optional
GatorShare software, a fairly transparent way to mount Sun filesystems on
From: Ace Stewart <>
Well, if you have just "appletalk" (e.g. no bridge routing Ethernet to
Ethertalk) then UAB with Applletalk support is what you are looking
for. The default configuration usually places the CAP
{atalk,etalk}.local file in /etc -- tho again, you can move this.
Once you tailour the appropriate information with makefile,
configures, etc, the atalk.local file needs local mods for which net,
zone etc youi are. There is another file which you will need to create
for the print serving called cap.printers (another /etc by default
file) that holds the printer name as it appears in /etc/printcap, as
well as how it appears to "the net"
There are a numbe of programs which exist with the UAB stuff that will
help, with "atlook" and "atlooklws" you can see if the system was
properly configured, and what printers are on the different zones your
machine can get to.
The mac won't really matter, as long as it can "see" he printer, you
can route the mounts over whatever. UAB will automagically show up as
a filesystem under Appleshare.
I would suggest reading comp.prototols.appletalk -- they do a lot of
discussion on this, and it is (was?) the quais-official newsgroup for
-- Todd Pfaff \ Internet: Dept. of Mechanical Engineering \ Voice: (416) 525-9140 x2902 McMaster University \ FAX: (416) 572-7944 1280 Main Street West \ Hamilton, Ontario, CANADA L8S 4L7 \
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