SUMMARY: NeWs on an Xterminal

From: Adam Fox (
Date: Fri Feb 12 1993 - 02:03:11 CST

First, thanks for all the responses.

Secondly, just to clearify things to many of you, I was NOT trying
to run the olwm on top of an X11 server, that's what I've been trying
to convince my boss is the best solution (might still be). I am acutally
trying to run the xnews server on the 3/60, then have the xdm server run
clients (like xlogin, etc) on top of that xnews server (just like xdm does
with the X11 server that I currently run). This will us to put Xterminals
(instead of workstations) into the offices of our low-end users who perfer
OpenWindows to X11. However, only running a true xnews server will allow
us to run *ALL* the openwindows programs that use the NeWs stuff.

Anyway, offers this solution:

I once helped a guy setup exactly what you asked.
It's been a while but I think it was something like this...

xnews -nobanner -auth $AUTHFILE

xnews is not statically compiled.
Remember to set $LD_LIBRARY_PATH and $OPENWINHOME.
$OPENWINHOME has to be mounted too.

I haven't tried this yet, but will give it a try in the near future
(as I am not in the office today). But I wanted to post this because
this is the type of answer I was looking for and if folks wish to comment
on it, mail me and I'll summarize.

Thanks again all.

-- Adam

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