Hi Gang,
Sorry about the delay in summarizing, but between two business trips and
Thanksgiving vacation, I've been buried. As it turns out, I never got to
try any of the good suggestions, since the user just re-installed his whole
system and the problem went away. Oh well, I still learned a lot.
My original request:
>>>Fellow Sun Managers,
>>>I'm in a bind, and I need your help in a hurry. I'm trying to help a customer
>>>at a distant site, and he is having problems booting his Sun-3/260 running SunOS
>>>4.0.3. It goes through the normal reboot sequence, and checks the disks, then
>>>prompts for a password. When he enters the password for "root", he gets a "#"
>>>prompt. If he tries using "^D" to continue in multi-user mode, it just prompts
>>>him for the password again. What's going on here?
>>>I looked through TFM, and I know about the "secure" and "password" fields for
>>>the "eeprom" program, but I don't think they apply here, since the system is
>>>running SunOS 4.0.3, and an old version of the PROM. I can't call Sun Support,
>>>since we don't have support for an old system running SunOS 4.0.3.
>>>Please help, as soon as possible, and I'll summarize.
>>> Drew
Most of the responses pointed me to the secure "flag" in the "/etc/ttytab" file.
Other responses mentioned potential problems with:
- the EOF character in "stty"
- the "/etc/rc*" files
- the existence of "/dev/console"
- a ".logout" file
Thanks to:
uunet!ctasee.cta.com!wilfredo (Wilfredo Castillo)
uunet!ccrl.nj.nec.com!ems (Ed Strong)
uunet!dretor.dciem.dnd.ca!rwolf (Robert J. Wolf)
uunet!crick.ssctr.bcm.tmc.edu!brent (Brent Alan Wiese)
uunet!wizard.nssl.uoknor.edu!kwthomas (Kevin W. Thomas)
uunet!ciba-geigy.ch!wwtz (Wolfgang Wetz)
uunet!lamont.ldgo.columbia.edu!msolda (m solda)
uunet!dcc.unicamp.br!paulo (Paulo Licio de Geus)
uunet!fourx.Aus.Sun.COM!ups!upstage!glenn (Glenn Satchell)
uunet!fourx.Aus.Sun.COM!ups!kevin (Kevin Sheehan {Consulting Poster Child})
uunet!ts.go.dlr.de!michael (Michael Klein)
uunet!math.harvard.edu!kuhn (Robert M. Kuhn)
uunet!polaris1!support!lv (Luis Vallejo)
uunet!synopsys.com!bala (Bala Vasireddi)
uunet!cs.rutgers.edu!mcgrew (Charles)
uunet!soac.bellcore.com!cal (Christian Lawrence)
+----+ +----++-----------------------------+----------------------------+
| \ GO / || Drew Montag | djm@bioimage.millipore.com |
++ + \ / + ++| Sr. Software Design Engin. | Voice: (313) 930-9900 |
| |\ \/ /| | | Millipore Imaging Products | FAX: (313) 930-0990 |
| | \ / | | | 777 East Eisenhower Parkway | Toll Free: (800) 872-0071 |
| | \ / | | | Suite 950 | Option #3 |
++ ++ \/ ++ ++| Ann Arbor, Michigan | Voice Mail: (800) 221-1975 |
| | BLUE | || U.S.A. 48108-3258 | Ext. 8000, Mailbox #7909 |
+----+ +----++-----------------------------+----------------------------+
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