My Original Problem:
I recently migrated my YP srver from one host to another and when I
do a make in /var/yp I get the error:
Can't get an address for server .
What could be the cause for this?
The problem, as many pointed out, was that when I set up the yp
server on the new machine by running ypinit -m, at the point where I
was queried for servers I entered the server name, and when I was
asked for the next server I hit a return and then a Ctrl-D instead
of an immediate Ctrl-D.
I received responses from quite a few people most of whom hit the
solution. My favourite response (and the one I used):
From: Brent Alan Wiese <>
Subject: Re: help with NIS
This is caused by a blank line (entry) in your ypservers map.
It can be resolved by ...
1) Adding /usr/etc/yp to your PATH.
2) Change to the /var/yp/`domainname` directory.
3) Run ... makedbm -u ypservers > /tmp/foo
4) Edit /tmp/foo and delete the blank line at the end.
5) Recreate the map by running ... makedbm /tmp/foo ypservers
6) Confirm everything is okay by running ... ypcat ypservers
worked like magic! thanks brent!
other responses that hit the nail on the head:
From: (Birger A. Wathne)
When ypinit asked for the names of all ypservers, you entered one empty line!
Your master is now trying to push its maps to the slave server called "".
Re-run ypinit, and make shure you don't enter any blank lines....
From: (Celeste Stokely)
I suspect that NIS thinks you have a slave server named " " (space).
This can come from doing ypinit -m, listing the NIS servers when it
asks you, and entering " <carriage return>" then "^D". I'd try
rebuilding NIS with ypinit -m and make sure to enter no blank lines or
From: (Chris Bulle)
When you were ypinit'ing the system, and it asked for slaves, did you hit
<return> rather than ^D??
my thanks are also due to the following people who responded: (Tim Priddy ) (Upkar Singh Kohli) (chuck malmsten)
my second question was regarding the yp files being world writeable.
since my umask was fine (022) I guess it was just one of those Sun
"undocumented features" ;-).
also: thanks to Chris Bulle for the Reply-To line suggestion ;-) Yes
Chris, I do know about the reply-to line!
- ravi
.sig (n): a piece of mail with a fool at one | Ravi Narayan, CS, WPI
end and flames at the other. (C). | 89 SuzukiGS500E Phaedra ;)
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