SUMMARY: Why Can't Nodes See Each Other

From: Mike Jipping (
Date: Wed Aug 19 1992 - 23:53:03 CDT

Again...thanks for all those responses. As for the summary, here's the
original query:

> I have a node that used to be on our net...left a while...then returned.
> While all was hunky-dory prior to that node's departure, now that the
> node is reconnected, it and one other node cannot see each other. They
> get each other's IP number from the NIS map "hosts", but timeout when
> they try to communicate with each other. They can ping any other node on
> the net but each other.
> I try to ping by name and by address to no avail. They just timeout.
> Is there some configuration file that might contain a bogus
> specification? Does anyone have a clue here?

I got LOTS of responses. Suggestions ranged from broadcast and arp tables
to electrical and hardware problems. Unfortunately, no one hit it quite
right...because it was a VERY subtle problem.

We have SunLink DNI verison 7.0. The two machines had the same DECnet address.
When different (correct) DECnet addresses were assigned, the two machines
could talk once again.

The reason this matters (I think) is that DNI 7.0 automatically converts the
DECnet address into a new Ethernet address -- and sets that machine to have
that new Ethernet address at boot time. Thus the two machines had the same
Ethernet address but different IP addresses and different names. The result
was -- when watching "etherfind" -- ip broadcasts with no responses.
ARP, ICMP, etc., messages were broadcast but no response was given.

Thanks to all who responded. I'm sorry that I can't list all of you. There
were MANY responses. You know who you are.

      Mike Jipping
      Hope College Department of Computer Science (BITNET: JIPPING@HOPE)

      "Who is that big boy?"
                      -- my 2-year-old daughter upon visiting the
                         Lincoln Memorial

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