SUMMARY:Upgrade of 4.1.1b to 4.1.2

From: Daniel Hurtubise (daniel@CANR.Hydro.Qc.CA)
Date: Tue Jun 16 1992 - 16:59:13 CDT

Sun Managers,

Yesterday I sent a message regarding the upgrade from
SunOS 4.1.1b to SunOS 4.1.2 and wether it is basically
worth doing or waiting for a future release of SunOS.

First, thanks to all who responded!

The general consensus is that it seems not to be worth
the effort unless you have any particular needs outside
of the ordinary, such as a multiprocessor server.

Here are the different reponses from our colleagues.


For what it is worth, I have about 200 Suns, of which I have converted
about 100 to 4.1.2, in March. The only patch that I have needed to apply so far
is 100577-02, which is needed by Ingres. Of course what software you run
will affect this. We run Ingres, Sybase, Informix, X11R4/5, XDesigner,
FrameMaker, some OpenWindows, emacs and the usual bag of goodies from the

On the positive side, 4.1.2 reduces the problems you have with Sparcprinters
hanging and is terrific for reboots on systems with large disk arrays, since
fsck is no longer manditory if the filesystems are clean. A server
with 10 Gb of disk can be rebooted in about 5 minutes, if it is brought
down politely.



Rob Simpson |
Manager, Systems & Network Administration | PHONE: (510) 649-3875
Teknekron Communication Systems | INTERNET:
2121 Allston Way |
Berkeley, California, 94704 |
 pick a disclamer... any disclaimer

of all the things i've lost in life...i think i miss my
mind the most


Personal opinion only, do not do it. I have had several pains in the you
know what that weren't around under 4.1.1b and it doesn't seem worth it.
                                        Frank P. Bresz }*{
                                        ITTC Network Administrator


I haven't seen a compelling reason to go to 4.1.2

"Anthony A. Datri" <>


        There are always a lot of patches for SunOS. It would be better for you
to look at whether any of the patches needed directly affect what you are doing.

        SunOS 4.1.3 (Solaris 1.1) may be out in August. Rumor says that it will
be more targeted toward multiprocessing fiexes/featues.

        The bottom line is this: Are there fixes in 4.1.2 you need? If so,
go ahead and load it on a standalone system for test. If not, then consider
waiting for 4.1.3. It is the LAST release in the SunOS 4.X.X series.

 G G EE MM MM S S Brett Chapman
G EE M MM M S G.E. Medical Systems
G GGG EEEEEE M M S Ultrasound Systems Administrator
 G G EE M M S S!sunbrew!gemed!chapmanB

>My question is wether it is really worth it to go to 4.1.2

(I even run it at home)
Peter Shipley <shipley@tfs.COM>


4.1.2 integre deja un grand nombre de patch qui etaient requises
sous 4.1.1 rev B. L'upgrade a 4.1.2 apporte peu de fonctionnalite
additionnelle, le seul item interessant est l'amelioration au niveau
de fsck (le fsck est "skippe" lorsque le filesystem est "propre").

Pour l'instant je ne prevois pas passer a 4.1.2, les avantages etant
limites par rapport a l'effort requis. Je pense que ca ne vaut pas la
peine de passer a 4.1.2 a moins d'y etre oblige (6?0). Ca vaut probablement
la peine d'attendre a 4.1.3, il y aura peut-etre d'autres "goodies" qui
rendront l'upgrade interessant.

Je parie qu'il y aura quand meme un bon nombre de "patch" a appliquer
sous 4.1.3. De toute facon, il faut se rappeller que 4.1.1 etait
suppose etre la derniere version avant Solaris 2.0 (d'ou le 4.1.1 rev
A, puis Rev B,...).

Je n'ai pas entendu parler de 4.1.3, mais je m'attend a ce que sa sortie
coincide avec la livraison des nouveaux Sparc 10, prevue pour Q3 92. Le mois
d'aout semble donc assez plausible.



Sun is coming out with 4.1.3 because there are serious problems with the MP sutff in SUN OS 4.1.2. and the only way to solve the problem is to release a new
version late this summer.

When sun releases the 4.1.3 it will have all the patches.
So, the bottom line is wait unitl the last version is released.

as to when the release date, well sun is very good at being late....

richard wong
math dept
princeton univ


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