Hi all,
Thanks to the ever-quick response from sun-managers, I have an answer
to my question.
I had originally asked what the following rpc's were:
1073741824 1 udp 1054
100068 2 udp 1035
100068 3 udp 1035
The responses told me that 100068 is rpc.cmsd and that 1073741824
belongs to "cm" (that calendar manager itself). So I feel safe that
everything is fine and dandy with my machine (I added 100068 into /etc/rpc
just so it shows up with a name from now on).
Thanks go to the following people:
dal@gcm.com (Dan Lorenzini)
todd@flex.Eng.McMaster.CA (Todd Pfaff)
Below are the replies:
todd@flex.Eng.McMaster.CA (Todd Pfaff)
The program number you gave for cm agrees with my system. Also, one of these
rpc processes is invoked for each cm and they're numbered sequentially from
I also have the 100068 processes (2 of them) but I don't know what they are.
dal@gcm.com (Dan Lorenzini)
100068 is rpc.cmsd. Look in /etc/inetd.conf and you should find it
there. As to 1073741824, it might be something that cmsd uses but I
don't know anything about it. I'd be interested in your summary.
Dan Lorenzini Greenwich Capital Markets
dal@gcm.com 600 Steamboat Road
203-625-7937 Greenwich, CT 06830
The 1073741824 is in the dynamic range; it's using that for ``transient''
connections, I think.
I see the following ( in short : 100068 in there, with version 2 and 3, and another
unidentified one, 100083 )
Eckhard R"uggeberg
Thanks for the help Sun-Managers!!
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