Thanks to all who offered to help out with the tape controller problem I
mentioned earlier. This isn't really much of a summary, since I only got
back one answer that really counted (which I might have spotted myself had
I just RTFM).
Thanks to:
polstra!jdp@uunet.UU.NET (John Polstra)
for the following bit of revealing information:
..check out XT(4S) in the manual pages:
> Record sizes are restricted to an even number of bytes.
OK, so that answers WHY I was seeing what I was seeing. The only question
left in my mind now is (and it's a rhetorical one), is this a hardware
restriction or a device driver problem? But that's not for this list...
BTW, John also pointed out that I had the controller number wrong:
The Xylogics 451 is a disk controller, not a tape controller. You must
mean the Xylogics 472 tape controller.
Ken Rossman
Computer Center
Columbia University ken@cumin.bitnet
212-854-4876 uunet!columbia!ken
"You can't teach a new dog Ultrix"
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