I received many many correct and some incorrect answers and thank you all.
Two scenarios exist and here are solutions for both:
1) You are using direct maps with automount:
the you probably have the following files:
# device mountpoint options
/dev/sd0h /home/nodename1 4.2 rw 1 3
#Mount-point Map Mount-options
/- /etc/auto.direct -rw,intr
/home/nodename1 -rw,hard,intr nodename1:/home/nodename1
/home/nodename2 -rw,hard,intr nodename2:/home/nodename2
if [ -f /usr/etc/automount ]; then
automount -f /etc/auto.master /home/`hostname` -null & echo "automount"
---------------------- end of first case for direct maps only ----------------
Unfortunatly the "-null" special map does not work for indirect maps.
The solution for indirect maps is the following:
Move your /home/`hostname` on all nodes to somewhere else like /home/local,
(make sure you have no node called local in your net). Then mount everything
using one indirect map. The & will map to the * in the indirect map and you'll
get all the <nodenames>:/home/local mounted in /home/<nodename> every where.
2) Indirect maps:
# device (same mountpoint (on all servers) options
/dev/sd0h /home/local 4.2 rw 1 3
#Mount-point Map Mount-options
/home /etc/auto.indirect -rw,intr
* &:/home/local
----------------------- end of second case for indirect maps only ------------
WARNING: To test the second variation, as I would like to finally have it, I would
have had to change fstab mount points of all my /dev/sd0h disks, so I didn't.
Thanks to:
ohnielse@ltf.dth.dk (Ole Holm Nielsen)
Richard Elling <elling@eng.auburn.edu>
feldt@phyast.nhn.uoknor.edu (Andy Feldt)
tessi!joey@nosun.West.Sun.COM (Joe Pruett)
selig@centaur.msfc.nasa.gov (Bill Selig - SysAdmin)
Mike Raffety <oconnor!miker@oddjob.uchicago.edu>
zjat02@trc.amoco.com (Jon A. Tankersley)
alastair@Cadence.COM (Alastair Young)
deltam!flyer!mark@uunet.UU.NET (mark galbraith)
sundev!ronin!kevin@sun.Eng.Sun.COM (Kevin Sheehan {Consulting Poster Child})
Michael S. Maiten <msm@energetic.com>
david@srv.PacBell.COM (David St. Pierre)
Claus Assmann <ca@idefix.informatik.uni-kiel.dbp.de>
stanonik@nprdc.navy.mil (Ron Stanonik)
* stern@sunne.East (Hal Stern - Consultant)
spivey@hao.ucar.edu (Rescue Squad Alcolyte)
lamour@maestro.mitre.org (Michael Lamoureux)
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